Duck Derby Sponsors 2024

Support Our Sponsors!  Without them it to would be almost impossible to hold the Show each September, so please support them throughout the year!

Sponsors are particularly important to the Duck Derby which is the main charity fundraising event for the Show. 

Our Duck Derby race sponsors provide the prize money for each race heat and the final race main prizes.  This year they have increased the Duck Derby prize fund so we can now offer huge cash prizes for you to win!!   

So, a big THANK YOU goes out to our sponsors listed below.  Click on their links to see what they do.  Buy your tickets online and letโ€™s turn this simple duck race into a quacking success for charity!

Cinderella Incineration toilets – Cinderella Eco Sales AS
Whale | Global Supplier of Pumps, Heating Systems and Plumbing (
Swift Logistics – Courier Services UK by Swift Logistics Group
Delphic Brewery
Avacado Property
County Hire
Fabu-Lous-CakesFabulous Cakes
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