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Money raised at the Show for one of our chosen local charities is worth a lot more than you might think!
Typically when a disabled individual uses the West Berkshire Therapy Centre service, their walking and balance improves by a measurable amount, along with their ability to carry out other basic tasks of daily living.
Their general outlook and social lives improve too and service users are more independent in many ways. The overall affect of all thisรย has been carefully measured, looking at things such as how the Centre’s service users do things such as remain in work longer, do not need to draw as many state benefits, need fewer home adaptations and disability aids, take up less GP time and hospital beds, use less medicines and so on.
For every รยฃ1 spent on providing the service, the outcome is รยฃ17 saved, split between the disabled person, the NHS, Social Services and HM Treasury.
So the รยฃ150 raised on the day of the fete, alongside the รยฃ150 granted to the Centre from the Show Committee provides about รยฃ5k of benefit in total. This is a wonderful result; every รยฃ1 used to support the West Berkshire Therapy Centre service is worth about รยฃ17!
Thank you!
John Holt, West Berkshire Therapy Centre.